Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Spring Break

I showed a schedule to Auntie Puddleglum, who was here for the weekend, and she called the schedule our Spring Break Survival Plan. If we don't do planned activities like this, the boys make us crazy. The idea isn't necessarily to stick to the schedule to the minute (although sometimes that is a good idea). I didn't finish out the week. We'll play by ear. Every day will have a theme. I used the schedule as my shopping list when I went to the grocery store Sunday with Auntie Puddleglum. When I got home yesterday (Monday) from the office, the boys were excited about having had "Space Day" with Puddleglum. I don't know that "Nature Day" was as exciting, but I think they had a good time.

For lunch today the salad was a huge success. I bought that Butter Lettuce that comes with the roots still attached to show the boys. We had a salad bar with beets, black olives, baby gerkins, sliced egg, real bacon, cherry tomatoes, pecans, black eyed peas, and cucumber (Baby ate all the avocado yesterday). Jax wanted everything except egg. Tae wanted everything except the black eyed peas, pecans, and cucumber. Baby mainly ate the olives and the egg. Of course, being that we're Texans, we had Ranch dressing.

The boys loved the snack. I put Oreos in a ziploc bag, and the boys beat them with spoons. We poured the "dirt" onto Vanilla Bean ice-cream, and I let the boys arrange the gummy worms on top.
Dirt and Worms

Baby is taking his nap and the boys are having free play. I may update this post with a picture of the cellophane noodle beef soup if I have time. I hope it turns out yummy.

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