Tuesday, June 6, 2006

German Sausage Dinner

I made sausage with fried potatoes and red cabbage. Not low cal, but it sounded good. Puddleglm was going to make mashed potatoes for the barbeque chicken yesterday, but he would up making spanish rice and refried beans. He had already boiled the potatoes, so I told him I'd make fried potatoes today. I decided that a German meal would be good. The red cabbage recipe I used is at Allrecipes.com. It has apples in it. I added more vinegar than the recipe called for and less sugar. Some of the reviews recommended that, and they were right. The recipe says 8 cups of cabbage, and that is one medium cabbage. I don't know why they didn't just say one medium cabbage. I used three apples instead of two, and I used brown sugar and apple cider vinegar instead of white sugar and white vinegar. For dessert we had strawberry shortcake. Of course we used real whipping cream. Ever since I found out what Cool Whip was made of (Mom's favorite), I can't eat it. Baby ate all his strawberries and some of mine, but he didn't care for the yellow cake. Tae and Jax loved it.

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