Puddleglum got sandwhich fixins last week, so we had some extra ham and baby swiss slices from the deli. So on one of my cooking nights (Tues, Wed, Sat, and Sun) I made chicken cordon bleau. We had one left, so for lunch today I thought I'd try our new Kitchenaid chopper (that we got free along with a hand blender when we bought our new fridge) and make chicken salad. In goes onion, carrot, celery, mayo, mustard, and the chicken cordon bleau. Not having any experience with this chopper thing, I just kept pulsing until all the chicken was chopped. What resulted was far from what I was imagining.
What resulted was like baby food. I told myself that it was like chicken pate, and since we had some baguettes, I presented it that way to Puddleglum. It's not really like pate.
It's like something you would make for your great granpa because he refuses to wear his teeth. But, not liking the idea of that last chicken cordon bleau going to waste, I imagine that I am in France eating fancy duck liver pate.
So this is not deviled chicken and Welch's.
It's foie gras and French champagne (in my imagination anyway).
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